The first goal of The Space Exploration Experience Project for the Blind and Visually Impaired (SEE Project) is to develop and test Braille / tactile inquiry-based hands-on space science activities and observing programs that actively engage blind and visually impaired students from elementary grades through introductory college level in space science. The second goal is to explore how tactile images can be used effectively with the sighted public at observatory open nights. During the first year of the project, we will develop an activity kit centered around tactile space science images, and pilot-test it at the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB) and the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired (WCBVI). During year two we will develop and pilot-test a second tactile kit based on current space science images from web archives. We will organize two three-day summer programs at Yerkes Observatory at the ends of years one and two, in which blind and visually impaired students will engage in tactile observational astronomy with the Yerkes telescopes. In the year between the two summer programs, we will hold remote observing events at the WCBVI and CSDB. Students will operate telescopes over the Internet, convert their images into tactile format, and use them for their research projects. We will explore the best use of tactile space science images for sighted people with certain learning disabilities, young children, senior citizens, and people with different learning styles during public observing night at the Western Connecticut State University Observatory.