Publisher |
The Story |
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with this picture? |

Bear Shadow
Author/Illustrator: Frank Asch
Simon and Schuster
ISBN 0-671-66866-8 |
"...It was almost noon. The sun was
high in the sky and Shadow was nowhere to be seen..."
"...Time passed and the sun once again cast shadows
Noisy Nora
Author/ Illustrator: Rosemary Wells
Puffin Books
ISBN: 0-14-056728-3 |
Nora makes lots of noise to get her parents'
attention. But it's only when she crashes out the door and silence
descends that her family miss her -- and go searching during one
Papa, please get the moon for me.
Author/Illustrator: Eric Carle
Simon and Schuster |
Author: Ronni Shotter
Illustrator: Marylin Hafner
Little, Brown and Company |
A family sits down for an evening meal while a
crescent moon is visible out the window. |
Outside the Window
Author: Anna Egan Smucker
Illustrator: Stacey Schuett
Alfred A. Knopf |
Birds watch a boy climbing into bed while a
crescent moon is visible. |
Time for Bed
Author: Mem Fox
Illustrator: Jane Dyer
Gulliver Books
(Harcourt Brace & Company) |
Several baby animals prepare to go to bed
concurrently as evening settles and while the moon is visible in the sky. |
Prayers for a Small Child
Illustrator: Eloise Wilkin
Random House, Inc. |
A child saying evening prayers views a crescent
moon outside her window. |
The Park in the Dark Author: Martin
Illustrator: Barbara Firth
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books |
The narration begins, "When the sun goes
down and the moon comes up..." The animals sneak out to spend a
night in the park. Late at night when back in bed, the animals see a
thin crescent moon out the window. |
The Earth and Sky
Authors: Gallimard Jeunesse and Jean-Pierre Verdet
Illustrator: Sylvaine Perols
First Discovery Books
(Scholastic Inc.) |
Where the Wild Things Are Author/Illustrator:
Maurice Sendak
Harper Collins Publishers |
A boy is "sent to bed without eating
anything" while a crescent moon (with earthshine lighting up the dark
side) is visible out the bedroom window. |
Where Does the Brown Bear Go?
Nick Weiss
Greenwillow Books |
A boy and his stuffed animals go to bed
"when evening settles: with a crescent moon visible out the window. |
Edith Twining
Doubleday |
A sleeping boy is visited by the Sandman while
a crescent moon is visible, presumably early in the night. |
Beyond the Milky Way
Author: Marilyn Sadler
Illustrator: Roger Bollen
Random House, Inc. |
A girl looking out a window, presumably in the
evening, observes a crescent moon. |
The Way Home
Author: Judith Benet Richardson
Illustrator: Salley Maror
MacMillan Publishing Co.
Two elephants walk home at the end of the day. |
KidsSongs 2 Author: Nancy Cassidy
Illustrator: Jim M'Guinness
Klutz Press |
The illustration, showing a child in bed with a
crescent moon visible, accompanies the lyrics to "Twinkle, Twinkle,
Little Star." |
Mouse in House
Author/Illustrator: Judith Schermer
Houghton Mifflin Co. |
A family goes to bed with a moon visible out
the window. |
What Does Baby Hear?
Author: Denise Lewis Patrick
Illustrator: Kathy Cruickshank
Western Publishing Company, Inc. |
The baby has just gone to bed in the evening,
with a crescent moon visible out the window. |
Sky Dragon Author/Illustrator:
Ronald Wegen
Greenwillow Books |
Hikers view a waning crescent moon as
"it's getting dark" outside. |
Knock at a Star
Authors: X. J. Kennedy and Dorothy M. Kennedy
Illustrator: Karen Ann Weinhaus
Publisher: ? |
Two children view a crescent moon and stars in
the sky. |
Goodnight, Little Kitten
Author: Nancy Christensen
Illustrator: Dennis Hockerman
Children's Press |
A kitten is going to bed with a crescent moon
visible out the window. |
Eency Weency Spider Author: Joanne
Illustrator: S.D. Schindler
Publisher: ? |
At the end of the day, a spider weaves a web
under the light of a crescent moon. |
June 29, 1999 Authors/Illustrator:
David Wiesner
Clarion Books |
A girl gazes at a thin crescent moon,
presumably in the evening after she listened to the evening news. |
Goodnight Gorilla Author/Illustrator:
Peggy Rathman
G.P. Putnam's Sons |
A night watchman locks up the zoo with a
crescent moon visible. |
The Little Quiet Book
Author: Katherine Ross
Illustrator: Jean Hirashima
Random House, Inc.
A crescent moon is visible out a window in the
evening. |
10 Bears in My Bed
Stan Mack
Pantheon Books
(Random House) |
A boy going to bed chases ten bears from his
room. A crescent moon is visible out the window. |
It's Not Easy Being a Bunny
Author: Marylin Sadler
Illustrator: Roger Bollen
Random House Inc.
The bunny is reading a book, presumably in the
evening, with a crescent moon seen out the window. |
Half a Moon and One Whole Star
Author: Crescent Dragonwagon
Illustrator: Jerry Pinkney
Aladdin Books
MacMillan Publishing Co.
"Half a moon" is seen above the earth
when nighttime approaches. |
Note: The images above are the copyrighted property of the respective
creators, as cited. The images are reproduced here for educational
purposes under the "Fair Use" premise of U.S. copyright law.