Paper Plate Education
"Serving the Universe on a Paper
African Masks

thought it would be interesting for the children to understand that
art is more than just drawing. Art is expressed in many different
ways. We
talked about sculptures, mosaics, and specifically concentrated on
Masks. I told the 1st graders that masks could be made out of a
variety of
items such as, wood, straw, and feathers. We also talked about how
masks are
used usually in celebrations like weddings and the birth of a
our Art Smart lesson coincided with Halloween I felt that creating masks
be especially fun. We used tempera paint on paper plates using a
variety of
colors. It was my first time presenting an Art Smart lesson, and
with the help
of another mom and the teacher we had a lot of fun. Jane Simons
Lisa Soto Kile, Ph.D.
Madison Elementary School
66030 Dogwood Road
Wakarusa, IN 46573
Contributed by Lisa Soto Kile, November 2008.