Paper Plate Education
"Serving the Universe on a Paper
Flat Stanley prepares for the
rare Transit of Venus by
using a proper solar filter with his transit activity.
Flat Stanley tracks the movement
of Venus across the face of the sun with his transit of Venus activity.
Flat Stanley looks at NASA mission patches before making his own at the Mission
Patch activity.
Flat Stanley runs a program from the console at the Penn-Harris-Madison Planetarium in
Mishawaka, IN.
Flat Stanley celebrates the
new year by setting his Platisphere to
January 1 at midnight.
Flat Stanley sizes up the capsule in which a monkey traveled into space before
Flat Stanley delights in seeing astronaut Alan Bean's flight suit on display at
the Penn-Harris-Madison Planetarium
Mishawaka, IN.
Flat Stanley visits and is introduced at the St. Joseph County (Indiana) County
Council meeting on March 8, 2005. Shown here with his host, District 3
Commissioner Cynthia Bodle, Flat Stanley stands tall next to a picture of the
City-County Building in South Bend, IN. At that evening's County Council
meeting, a "privilege
of the floor" statement addressed lighting
issues and a proposed lighting ordinance.

Click logo to link to Flat
Stanley Project.
Contributed by Chuck Bueter.