Compare your observations with these comments about shortcomings and errors in the illustrations.
The comments assume the vain position that the scenes occur in
the mid-northern latitudes. The comments also deny artistic license to the
illustrators. Please pardon the conceit. This table is
available without the comments at the Bad
Moons Rising activity. Additional Bad Moons are at the More
Faux Phases page.
Please send examples both of bad moons and of good moons rising--preferably with a digital image and complete
information for each column below--through our Feedback
page. Thank you.
Publisher |
The Story |
Comments |
So That's How the Moon Changes Shape
Allan Fowler
Children's Press, Inc. |
Different moon shapes are labeled. |
The first quarter moon is labeled "half
moon." |
[See correction below.]
Cranes arrive to lift Percy the train out of
the water when "it was nearly dark" and a crescent moon is
visible. |
A waning crescent moon is visible,
suggesting the sun is about to rise. A crescent moon seen in the
early hours of darkness should be drawn as a waxing crescent. |
Wake Up and Good Night
Author: Charlotte ZolotowI
Illustrator: Leonard Weisgard
Harper & Row |
Shortly after "the golden sun is
down," a crescent moon is visible above the buildings. |
Half a Moon and One Whole Star
Author: Crescent Dragonwagon
Illustrator: Jerry Pinkney
Aladdin Books
(Macmillan Publishing Co.) |
The morning sun is rising while, above it,
"half a moon...falls and fades and will go soon." |
A last quarter moon will precede the sun in
rising. The sun and moon will travel in opposing directions
(rising and falling) after the last quarter moon
transits the meridian. A quarter moon will appear 90 degrees from
the sun, not "above it" as suggested. |
So That's How the Moon Changes Shape
Allan Fowler
Children's Press, Inc. |
A diagram depicts the phases of the moon that
result from the moon's "traveling in a big circle around the
Earth." |
1. By showing the American continents
from the side, the diagram suggests the moon orbits over and under (i.e.,
perpendicular to) the equatorial plane. 2. The notion of
angular measurement (23 1/2 degrees) is introduced in a book that is
targeted at very young readers. 3. The earth's axis is tilted 23 1/2
degrees, but the continents are drawn vertically. 4. The phases
labeled in the direction of the arrows should read New Moon, First
Quarter, Full Moon, Last Quarter. |
Norton's Nighttime
Jane Breskin Zalben
William Collins Publishers, Inc. |
Three animals walk through the woods at night,
with the moon visible throughout the hike. |
The phase of the drawn moon lacks continuity
between scenes, changing from waxing crescent to full moon. The
apparent phase of the real moon will not change appreciably in one
evening. |
The Midnight Ride of Thomas the Tank
Author: Rev. W. Awdry
Illustrator: Owain Bell
Random House, Inc. |
The book cover shows a full moon low on the
horizon while a watch indicates the time is midnight. Throughout the
book, the train makes a midnight run while a crescent moon is visible in
the Christmas-time sky. |
1. The cover with its full moon lacks
continuity with the story, which has a crescent phase. The moon will
not dramatically change phases in the course of one evening. 2. A
full moon at midnight in December will appear high in the night sky.
3. A very thin waxing crescent moon suggests the sun has recently
set. Such a thin sliver would not be in the December sky at
midnight. |
Around the Clock with Harriet
Betsy and Giulio Maestro
Crown Publishers, Inc. |
Harriet is going to bed at 8:00 p.m. with a
crescent moon visible out the window. |
A waning crescent moon is visible,
suggesting the sun is about to rise. A crescent moon seen in the
early hours of darkness should be drawn as a waxing crescent. |
A silhouetted family views a crescent moon,
presumably in the late evening. The text states, "Soon...the
new moon will rise." |
The moon shown is a waxing crescent moon,
having already been a new moon within the past week. Soon this thin
waxing crescent moon will be setting. |
Edward's Overwhelming Overnight
Rosemary Wells
Dial Books for Young Readers
(Penguin Books)
The mother bear is shoveling snow with a
crescent moon visible. Later that night the father bear is driving
behind a snowplow with a crescent moon visible. |
The phase of the moon lacks continuity between
scenes. The phase of the real moon will not change appreciably in
one evening. Also, the moon would not be visible in a blinding
snowstorm. |
The Going to Bed Book
Sandra Boynton
Simon & Schuster |
The animals on a ship are preparing to go to
bed, with a crescent moon "on the rise." |
A waxing crescent moon seen just above the
horizon in the evening should be setting, not rising as described. |
Robert Wahl
Price Stern Sloan |
After ushering some children to bed, a boy
speaks to the moon "as the moon rose over Tangled Hill." |
The waxing crescent moon, seen in the evening
after sunset, should be setting. |
P.J. Funnybunny Camps Out
Author: Marilyn Sadler
Illustrator: Roger Bollen
Random House, Inc. |
Several animals are in a tent "soon
[after] it got dark" with a crescent moon seen outside. |
1. A star is visible between the cusps of the
moon. 2. A waning crescent moon is visible, suggesting the
sun is about to rise. A crescent moon seen in the early hours of
darkness should be drawn as a waxing crescent. |
Nine O'Clock Lullaby
Author: Marilyn Singer
Illustrator: Frane Lessac
Harper Collins |
A scene from nine o'clock in the evening in New
York is compared with concurrent scenes in other parts of the worl.
The moon is visible in several scenes. |
1. Though the story is a snapshot in time, the
moon's phases lack continuity as drawn. The night of a crescent moon
in New York will be the night of a crescent moon in England. 2. The
moon will not necessarily be seen above the horizon concurrently from
multiple sites around the globe. |
It's Time to Go to Bed
Author: Joyce Segal
Illustrator: Robin Eaton
Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Baby polar bears prepare to go to bed with a
crescent moon visible. |
1. The drawn moon lacks continuity from page to
page, switching between a waxing and a waning moon phase. 2.
Even though the cusps of the thin crescent moon point downward from
horizontal, suggesting the sun is above the horizon, the stars are
visible. 3. A star is visible between the cusps of the moon. |
Goodnight, Gorilla
Peggy Rathman
G.P. Putnam's Sons |
A woman goes to bed with a crescent moon
visible out the window while the clock is at 10:35 p.m. |
A waning crescent moon is shown near the
horizon, suggesting the sun is about the rise. A crescent moon seen
near the horizon in the early evening would be drawn as a waxing
crescent. |

Why Does the Moon Change Its
Author: Patricia Murphy
The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. |
Two images are described as the
near side and far side of the moon.
A series of images depict the phases of the moon.
Image accompanies description of a lunar eclipse. |
Credited to two sources, nearly
identical photos show parts of both sides. Note Mare Crisium
and Seas of Tranquility and Serenity.
Rather than show typical moon surface features, this depicts unfamiliar
moon image.
While technically a lunar eclipse, it suggests an eclipsed sun.
From original
art, foreground earth was replaced by moon. Plus, the supposedly
eclipsed moon is illuminated. |
Note: The images above are the copyrighted property of the respective
creators, as cited. The images are reproduced here for educational
purposes under the Fair Use premise of U.S. copyright law.
Contributed by Chuck Bueter.